The Printer Configuration Evaluation allows you to set up extra logic to advise MachShip on when the system should set up to print labels automatically. This logic can include but is not limited to, print when a certain user creates a consignment, print when a certain carrier has created a consignment or to print when the consignment is being sent from a particular suburb
This is all outlined in the video and step by step documentation below.
Create the Printer Configuration Evaluation
Once you have created a Printer Configuration you will find you have access to the Edit Printer Configuration screen. This will have the added Print Configuration Evaluation section.
Select Edit Print Configuration Evaluations button.
This will prompt the Edit Print Configuration Evaluations modal to appear as below:
The Evaluation will tell MachShip under what circumstances to automatically print. You are able to have multiple evaluation types but they will ALL need to have their conditions met to prompt the printing to occur.
The Evaluation Types are:
A common setup if you had a communal printer would be Pickup Suburb as below:
Another example set up if you wanted to have anything created from the suburb Cremorne, 3121, by the user demo broker that isn't the carrier Toll would be below:
Set up the evaluation as per your requirements. If you have any issues or queries please contact
It is very important to note that for a Printing call to be made ALL levels of the evaluation must be true. As such you cannot have an evaluation that contains multiple users or pickup locations. This is because you cannot have a consignment created by two users or from two pickup locations at the same time.
Once you have finalised your Printer Configuration Evaluation: