The manifesting of a consignment or a series of consignments in MachShip will finalise that consignment in the MachShip system and send through the consignment data to the transport provider. This data transfer will take place via the preferred integration method that the transport provider has requested with MachShip

Manifesting will group together consignments which are from the same location, with the same carrier and (if the carrier requires) the same service. 

Click Image To View


In order to Manifest a consignment(s), you will need to navigate to the Unmanifested Consignments page. 

  • Select Create/Manage and Unmanifested Consignments.

  • Or you can alternatively use the link here. 

Consignments can be manifested by selecting the valid consignments from the tick box on the left and clicking Manifest Selected.

Alternatively, if you wish to manifest for a whole carrier you can type the carrier into the Carrier Field and select manifest all

Should you just wish to manifest all unmanifested consignments with a despatch date or ETA date you can filter using the filter by date option, select a date option, select a date and in conjunction with either of the methods above you can manifest the consignments.

Once you have selected Manifest on your consignments, you will see the following manifest modal appear.



This modal will contain:

  • A tab for each Manifest.

At the top of the modal, you will see a series of tabs. This will be for each manifest you are looking to create. Click on each one to verify the details of each manifest. 

  • Carrier and Pickup details.

The carrier section will outline the exact pickup details as well as the carrier you are looking to create a manifest for.

  • Pickup Booking Details.

You will be required to set if you require a pickup or not.

If YES set:

- The Pickup Date date

- The Total Pickup Spaces
MachShip will make a rudimentary calculation based on the number of item type pallet, skid, create or packs on the manifest - this will not take into account dimensions of the item so please override if you need.

- The Total Manifest Weight
If the weight field is left blank then the total weight of the manifest is used.

- Pickup Time and Closing Time

- Pickup Instructions

  • List of Consignments on the Manifest.

The bottom of the modal will contain a list of the consignments.

Once you are comfortable with all of the information on all of the available tabs select the Manifest button. 


MachShip will run the manifesting process and return you a success or a failure. 

If you receive any failure messages MachShip will provide you with a reason. Should there be any ambiguous error messages, you are encouraged to contact and we will endeavour to troubleshoot.