Saved Company Locations in MachShip allow for quick data entry when creating consignments. Creating Company Locations will also allow MachShip to store pick up details and time configurations as well as regular receiver account information.
How to navigate to the Create Location Page
There are two ways in which to navigate through to the Create Location Page.
Alternatively, you can access the Create Location page from this link.
Note: Should your user not have the permission to access this page then you will be unable to successfully access this link.
Instructions on how to create an International Saved Company Location
1. Set the International Flag
2. Location Type:
The Location Type will dictate the use of this Company Location and when it is available. The options are:
3. Location Name (Required):
The Location Name is a free text field which will represent the organization or the receivers name. This field will be utilised as either the from or the to name for all consignments created in MachShip. The Location Name will also be one of the searchable fields used to bring back location data when creating or filtering consignments.
4. Location Abbreviation:
Most businesses will run an internal management system be that a WMS, ERP or Accounting platform and as such, there is likely to be an account code or an abbreviation which can be stored in MachShip. This Abbreviation can be utilised when entering in location data, when creating consignments and also when searching for consignment(s) on any of the consignment grids.
5. Company:
This field will pre-populate with the company which you are logged in as (or impersonating). This can be altered while creating the company location but please note that this cannot be edited once created.
6. Contact Name, Phone (required), Address Line 1 (Required), Address Line 2:
These are standard fields containing information about the company itself. The only required field here will be Address Line 1.
7. Email:
The Email field will contain the email address(es) which MachShip will send through to the carrier but also could be utilized to send tracking emails and if required return labels. When using multiple emails they can be separated by a semicolon.
8. Country (Required):
The Country field will store the delivery or pickup Country for the saved location. In order to validate that address data being provided, MachShip has a pre-set list of the 3 alpha country codes and their name. Type in the country name of the address and pick the option from the list returned
9. Province, City Postcode / Zip Code
These fields will provide the specific locality details relevant to the address. At a minimum MachShip will require you to provide the Postcode / Zip Code of the delivery. All three fields are free text fields.
10. Special Instructions:
Populate the special instructions text box with any relevant instructions. MachShip will automatically pull this through when the saved location is selected.
11. Very Frequent Location:
In order to cut down on the time it takes to enter consignment data, MachShip has the ability to set an address as Very Frequent. When an address is Very Frequent then it will appear as a drop-down above either the Pickup, the Delivery or Both depending upon the location type. The field will appear as below:
To set a location as Very Frequent simply set the Very Frequent Address Flag to YES.
Once complete click the Save Location button and the location will be created.
Extra configurations for Saved Company Locations
Pickup Default Values
Default Pickup and closing times:
When a saved location is used as a pickup location the user is required to provide the carrier with a pickup time as well as a closing time. This allows the carrier's pickup driver to know the time window in which he will need to collect the freight. In order to pre-populate these figures, there are 2 Boolean tags on the location page. When these are set to yes the user can set the time.
Pickup Instructions:
If there is a need to inform the carrier about any special instructions related to completing the pickup provide them in the Pickup Instructions field. These will be provided to the carrier when manifesting. There will be circumstances where there is a particular set of instructions that will apply to this location all the time. If this is the case you can put them in the default special instructions text box and MachShip will automatically pull these through.
Permanent Pickups
If a company is likely to consign freight with a transport carrier on a daily basis many providers will set up a daily or permanent pickup whereby the driver will come by at a set time each day to collect the consignments. MachShip provides the ability for customers to be able to book a pickup for a collection upon manifesting. With this functionality brings the possibility that a user will mistakenly re-book a pickup with the carrier and be charged for futile collections. In order to prevent this, MachShip has the permanent pickup functionality.
To create a permanent pickup do the following:
1. Create the company location
2. Select the Add Permanent Pickup button
3. This will bring up the Create Link modal
4. Select the carrier from the drop down. This will list all carriers which are assigned to that company.
5. Select the link type.
There will be 2 options they are:
Default Questions
Depending on the type of location that you are creating, be that a Pickup Location, Delivery Location, or Both you will find either one or both of the options below:
The two options, allow a user to define if a question should apply when using the location as a Pickup or Delivery location.
Select the option to Set Default Questions
Click the option and the following modal will appear
Select the question that you wish to default, and then select Save Default Questions
The selected question will then show as below: