How To Create Custom Fields

How To Create Custom Fields

Custom Fields can be used in MachShip to customise the existing reference fields to match up with your company's own internal references, such as Purchase Orders, Cost Centres or Invoice Numbers. This customisation can be undertaken on the Consignment and the Quoting Pages

 How to Create Custom Fields:

To navigate to Custom Fields select Admin and Other Options.


Then select Custom Fields


From this page, you can create a new Custom Field by selecting Create Custom Field

In order to generate a Custom Field, you will need to enter the following mandatory fields

  • Company

This should be your own company unless you are a Broker or Parent company and require to set up on behalf of one of your clients or children

  • Screen

This should be the screen where you are customising your reference field. In most cases, this should be the consignment screen 

  • Field

This relates to the field you would like to customise, for example, Your Reference or Additional Reference

The following fields are optional and are dependent on the type of field you are customising

  • Label

This refers to what text you would like the field re-named to, for example, if you are setting a reference field as a Cost Centre, you would enter Cost Centre here. 

The reference field will look like this before you make any changes:


Once you have saved the Label text, it will then replace the text in the field you are customising with the text you have just entered, so instead of seeing "Your Reference", in this example it will now show as "Cost Centre" 


  • Placeholder

Placeholder text is the information that displayed in the field before the user types into the field, this could be an example of how you require the information to be entered such as ABC123 

The reference field will look like this before any changes made:

Once you have saved the changes to the Custom Field, the place holder text will display as follows:

  • Info Text

Info text is displayed under the field and provides the user information about the field they are entering into. 

This text will then be displayed under your customised field:

  • Display

This determines if you would like to display the customised field or not.


Selecting Yes will display the field as shown

Selecting No will remove the field entirely from view:


  • Inheritable

Flag this field if you have companies trading underneath you such as different branches etc that are children and require to have access to this customised field


  • Required

Select this as Yes if the field should be mandatory.


  • List of Available Values

If these values are added, your customised field will be automatically converted to a drop down list. Type the values you would like to be used in your list into the box provided then press the plus + button to add to the list


  • Custom Field Type

This is the type of field you are creating, leave blank if you have selected values in the previous step to create a drop down. 


Once all is set, press Save Custom Field to save.

To validate your settings, go to the screen where you have made changes to and refresh your browser. The changes should take effect immediately. Using the above steps, we have created a mandatory drop-down list that replaces the free text "Your Reference" field in the Consignment screen and displays as "Cost Centre". 


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