How to create a Saved Company Dangerous Goods Item

How to create a Saved Company Dangerous Goods Item

Once you successfully enable Dangerous Goods (DG's) options for Company, Carrier Account, and Company Carrier Account, you can start adding new DG items into MachShip. 

There will usually be a set number of DG’s which a company will send with regularity. To allow for efficient consigning of these, MachShip has enabled users to save DG items.

How to navigate to Saved Dangerous Goods Items

When a company has access to DG’s, there are two ways in which to navigate to the Create DG Items page. 

  • From the Create/Manage menu. 

  • From the Navigation Bar. This is situated in the top right-hand corner of any screen which relates to Company DG Items.

Alternatively, use the following link.

NoteShould your user not have the permission to access this page then you will be unable to successfully access this link.

Create DG Item

1. Item Name and Company (required).

Each Company DG item requires a Name and an Abbreviation. This will be used for searching and quick retrieval when creating a consignment. The DG item will also need to be assigned to a company.

2. Is Inheritable.

If this DG item should be accessible to be used by your child companies then set the Is Inheritable flag as Yes.

Once these administrative fields have been set, you can input the DG item information. You will type the UN number into the UN Number field. MachShip will then return all possible and valid Packing Group (PG), Class/Subclasses (Class), and the Proper Shipping Name (PSN). You will need to select from the available options. 

To finalize the DG item, you need to provide:

3. Container Type.

The container type or sometimes known as the receptacle, will be how the DG item has been packaged. Please note that Pallet is not a compliant container type for DG documentation. 

The compliant Container types are:

  • Aerosol (s)
  • Bottle(s)
  • Carton(s)
  • Demountable Tank(s)
  • Drum(s)
  • IBC(s)
  • MEGC(s)
  • Pail(s)
  • Pressure Drums(s)
  • Tube(s)

4. Number of Containers.

This will be the total number of the Container Type above. Please note that when DG items are added onto a consignment in MachShip, this is done per Item on an Item stack. 

For example, if I was adding five pallets which are 120x120x120 and 1000 kg, and I was adding the same DG item to each, then when I enter it into the system, I would enter in the # of containers for only 1 of those pallets, for the example above let's say that was 6. MachShip will then calculate based on the total quantity of the stack on any of the paperwork and the EDI files sent to the carriers. For the example above, this would be 30. 

5. Aggregate Weight and Weight kg or litres.

All Compliant DG documentation requires the total volume of the weight of the DG item. This needs to be set in either Kilograms or Litres. MachShip requires you to provide the aggregate quantity and units of that quantity. 

Please Note that the Aggregate Quantity will be the total weight or volume of all containers, but it is per item stack. 

For example, if I had five pallets at 120x120x120 and 1000 kg and each pallet had 5 DG containers, with each container 500 grams of DG's, then the form would have:

(manually enter)

Number of containers - 5
Weight or Litres - KG
Aggregate Weight - 2.5

When MachShip then sends this information to the carrier or produces any documentation, it will then multiply this out over the stack so it will produce:

(automatically calculated)

Total Number of containers - 25
Weight or Litres - KG
Total Aggregate Weight - 12.5

6. Marine Pollutant.

The DG Transport Document needs to know if a DG item is a Marine Pollutant. This will be a Yes or a No selected from the drop-down. 

7. Temperature Controlled.
The DG Transport Document needs to know if a DG item needs to be Temperature Controlled. This will be a Yes or a No selected from the drop-down.

8. Is Empty DG Container:
This will be set to be true if you are sending an empty and uncleaned DG container.  

9. Technical or Chemical Group Names.

If the Proper Shipping Name (PSN) was to have N.O.S appended on the end or if the PSN was quite broad (this is set by the National Transport Commission) then you will need to provide a Technical or Chemical name which will further describe the type of DG Item.  

To save the company DG Item, select Create Company DG Item.

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