The Components are:
System Admin - sub-components relate to the creation of workflows, users, companies, receiver accounts, printer settings, and API tokens.
Consignments - pertains to everything relating to consignments including quoting, creating, manifesting, tracking, and importing.
Company - provides access to company items, company locations, dangerous goods, and impersonation.
Broker - provides access to creating carrier rates, zones, transit times, fuel surcharges, time configurations, emails, and EDI files.
Financial - provides access to reconcile carrier invoices. This component will also pertain to invoicing if you are a freight reseller.
Dashboards - provides access to each of the available dashboards.
Reports - provides access to each of the reports.
Individual sub-components can be accessed by selecting the Set Individually option:
The Permissions are:
Create/Delete - full access to the sub-component.
Edit - can adjust or change what has already been created but cannot create.
View - can view the sub-component but not alter it.
None - no access to the sub-component at all.
How to Clone Permissions:
In order to allow for the easy creation of user roles, MachShip has provided some basic role types that users can clone permission it sets from. To utilise this simply select from one of the available role types under the drop-down Clone Permissions from Template.
Once selected, the permission structure will be altered to match up with that of the cloned role. Users can then adjust these permissions to suit the required role that they are creating.
In order to create the role simply select Save Role.
The role will be created and made available to be used when creating users.
Please note that though users may be given access to certain permissions via a Role, the subscription level they have signed on to with MachShip will define their overall access.