How to create a Pending Consignment via the UI

How to create a Pending Consignment via the UI

If you wish to create a placeholder for a future Consignment, you can add a Pending Consignment

How to navigate to create a Pending Consignment

  • To get to the Create Consignment screen, from the top menu Create/Manage, click Create Pending Consignment under the Consignments section. 


  • Or you can alternatively use the link here. 

Create Pending Consignment screen

To create a Pending Consignment, you only need to provide MachShip with one piece of information out of:

Location Name - From or To
Contact Name - From or To
Phone - From or To
Email - From or To
Address Line 1 - From or To
Address Line 2 - From or To
Suburb - From or To

However, you can enter as much info as you have. 

Once the information is entered, select Save Pending Consignment.

Once the Pending Consignment is created, it will appear on Pending Consignments list where it can be created or consolidated onto a consignment.