By default, when importing files into MachShip the system will create a new invoice entry, consignment note or pending consignment for each line on a CSV or unique set of tags in an XML. In some circumstances, multiple lines will need to be consolidated together in order to complete the import.
In order to define the fields which MachShip should group on, there is the Grouper workflow task.
How to navigate to create a Workflow Task
To navigate to Workflow Results select Admin and Other Options.
Then select Workflow Task.
From this page, you can create a new workflow task by clicking on the Create Workflow Task button at the top of the screen.
Create a Workflow Task screen
In order to generate a workflow task, you will need to enter the following fields:
The workflow task type can be Consignment Importer or Invoice Importer.
Since you are going to create a Grouper workflow task, please select Grouper.
You will then need to specify which property will be used to group the lines into one consignment.
For example, we have this CSV file:
Date,Carrier,Account,Service,Location Name,To Location Name,Reference,Quantity,Item name,Type,Length,Width,Height,Weight
30/08/2018,IPEC,MACBRO_IPEC,X,Melbourne Warehouse,macbro Head Office & Bulk Warehouse,12347,1,Hoppt Petrol Power Drive Unit,Pallet,100,70,15,10
30/08/2018,IPEC,MACBRO_IPEC,X,Melbourne Warehouse,macbro Head Office & Bulk Warehouse,12347,3,Hoppt Submersible Pump,Pack,100,50,25,26
30/08/2018,IPEC,MACBRO_IPEC,X,Melbourne Warehouse,macbro Head Office & Bulk Warehouse,12399,1,Hoppt Petrol Power Drive Unit,Pallet,100,70,15,10
There is a Reference value that will tell if the lines are from the same consignment or not. It means you can tell MachShip to group by this field once it is mapped to Reference one.
As a result, the CSV file will group the first two records into one consignment, and the 3rd line will go into another one.
Once all the options have been populated, please click on the Create Workflow Task button and the grouper workflow task will be created.