How to create a Dangerous Goods Surcharge

How to create a Dangerous Goods Surcharge

One of the most common surcharges that a transport provider will set for their clients will be to transport Dangerous Goods. There is a significant extra cost involved in the transport, segregation, storage, and training regarding compliantly transporting dangerous goods and with extra cost, there is invariably a surcharge. 

In order to account for this extra cost, MachShip has enabled a user to set up a surcharge which will only apply under the dangerous goods conditions.

To create the surcharge simply follow the instructions here but ensure that you have the following fields set:

  • Automatic Flag.

    If this flag is set to Yes then the surcharge will apply automatically whenever the applied conditions are met. 

    Note: If the surcharge is to apply under specific conditions, as mentioned above, do not set the automatic flag until you have received confirmation that the conditions have been set. If you do not do this then the surcharge will be flagged automatically on every consignment and quote generated. 

  • Only Apply Surcharge to DG Flag.

    One of the common conditions a carrier will charge a surcharge is when a consignment contains Dangerous Goods. In order to allow users to create this common condition, we have the Only Apply Surcharge to DG flag. When set, in conjunction with the Automatic flag, the surcharge will be applied with every Dangerous Goods consignment created. 

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