If you wish to set up for MachShip to send out SMS notifications of delivery milestones and updates to clients upon despatching or status updating of freight you will need to configure an SMS Template. This template allows clients to configure a customised SMS message with functionality to allow for different messages based on milestone, carrier, and client.
How to navigate to Create an SMS Template
Select Admin and then select Other Options
Via the Advanced panel on the left-hand side select SMS Templates
How to Create an SMS Template
To create an SMS Template select the Create Sms Template option in the top right-hand corner
1. Set the Name
This is a free text field and would identify the SMS message for your purposes - it is not utilised in the text message that is sent
2. SMS From Name (Temporarily disabled)
This would enable you to set who the message is to come from - this will be the sender on the text message and show to the receiver when the SMS message is sent. This has a maximum of 11 characters.
Please note that legislation changes in Australia in 2022 have required that this field be validated to avoid scam SMS from going out. To have your company name validated as the SMS from Name please submit a request form from MachShip support so we can have the name approved for use.
Organization Legal Name - This will be your business's name - should relate to the senderid and the details for the search of your registered number below.
Place of Incorporation - This will be the address your business is incorporated at
Registered Number This will be your registered business identifier (ABN in Australia)
Website Domain Name - website address
Contact Email - your contact email
Contact Mobile Number - Your contact phone number
Until this validation is completed, SMS will be sent out as MACHSHIP
Here you would set the template for what the SMS message should say. MachShip's templating engine uses the Mustache templating platform which allows you to insert dynamic values into the SMS content. MachShip has a number of saved consignment fields that can be utilised in the message including:
To utilise these in an SMS message you would surround the consignment field with "{{ }}"
Examples for each of these is below:
Sample Messages could be
Hi {{ToName}}
Your Order # {{CustomerReference}} from MachShip has been Despatched and is due to be delivered on {{FriendlyEtaShort}} with {{CarrierName}}
Please refer to the link below to see live status updates
If you have any queries please dont hesitate to get in contact with us at 03 9999 9999
MachShip Template:
This would then generate the below for this consignment:
SMS Output:
Hi Tom Your Order # REF1234 from MachShip has been Despatched and is due to be delivered on 11/11/2020 with Camerons Transport Please refer to the link below to see live status updates c.dev.gotke.me/H65bMccwokGOUd7TDT34LE1g If you have any queries please don't hesitate to get in contact with us at 03 9999 9999 |
For further examples of the Mustache templating platform and more advanced use cases, please read the documentation available via the Mustache manual. If you have any queries or questions, please contact support@machship.com who can help.
4. Link to a Company, Carrier and Status
To link the SMS template that you have created to a company first select - Add Company Link
This will then give you the option to link to:
I. Company (Required)
Select the company you wish to assign the SMS Template to by typing and selecting the relevant company. To set this for a whole organisation simply type in the parent company and select the inheritable option
II. Tracking Status (Required)
Each SMS Template will need to be linked to a tracking status - the flagging of this status - either manually or from the carrier will prompt the sending of the SMS message. To link a status select from the drop-down:
Once selected the status will show as below:
III. Carrier (Optional)
If you wish to link this SMS to a particular carrier or carrier(s) simply type in the carrier name and select from the typeahead
To add a second carrier simply follow the same process
To remove a carrier simply select the X
Note if you wish to have this SMS flagged for ALL carriers - simply leave the selection field empty
If you wish to link this SMS template to multiple Carrier Status's or Companies - simply select the Add Company Link and repeat the process above
5. Set the SMS as Enabled
To enable the SMS and set it live - simply select the Enabled Flag to Yes
6. Save the Template
The SMS is now Live.