How to create a Custom Notification

How to create a Custom Notification

Notifications advise users of MachShip of events such as cancellations of consignments, pick up bookings, partial deliveries or requests for important consignments. These are all known as system generated notifications

In order to provide Freight Resellers with the ability to communicate with their clients in bulk, MachShip allows users to create their own notifications which can be created and sent out. These are known as custom notifications

How to Navigate to Custom Notifications

Select Admin, Other Options and in the advanced section select Custom Notifications.


How to Create Custom Notifications

Select the Create Custom Notification button.

The first part of a notification which needs to be set up is the admin section. This section will set the content of the notification and the owning company.

The admin section requires:

Name - This will be simply used to name the notification and won't appear on the notification.

Notification Category - The Notification category will dictate the icon which is matched against the notification. The notification categories are:

The icons are shown below:





Title -  The title will be the name for the notification as is presented to users. 

Company -  This will be the owning company for the notification. It is suggested you set this as your own company so you can set the notification to your child companies. 

Message -  This will be the body of the notification you wish to outline to your clients. 

Can be Actioned -  A notification can be either actioned (a user can read and click a button to have the notification disappear from the list) or not actioned whereby it will be set to expire after a time limit or be manually set to expire (disappear). 

The second part of a notification setup is the configuration. Here a user will set who is to receive the notification, when it will be visible and for how long.

Custom Notification Dates: 

A notification can be set to either appear immediately or be set to be visible for a date range.

If you set the notification to be visible on a date range, select Add Notification Date:

The Add Custom Notification Date modal will appear where you can set a start date and time and if desired an expiry date and time. Once set, select save.

Custom Notification Companies and Users

The custom notifications can be sent to a group of companies or a set of users.

Custom Notification Companies

The custom notification can be set to be sent to:

  • All companies
  • A select group of companies
  • A set group of company tiers
  • No companies

Custom Notification Users:

To send a notification to a user simply type the username in the box provided and then select from the list returned:

Once selected the user will appear in the table as below:

Note: You only need to choose either a company or a user you do not need to select both. 

Once the configuration is set, simply select Create Custom Notification. The notification will then be created. 


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