How to Create a Company (Simplified)

How to Create a Company (Simplified)

Companies in MachShip are the basis by which accounts, permission, and access are separated and maintained. Below you will find instructions on how to create a company. 

Note: Based on your company and user type you will see different menus and menu lengths
How to navigate to the Create Company Page

Navigate to Admin tab and under Companies section, select Create Company.

You will then be directed on the Create Company page.

The following list below is the minimum requirements in order to create a company in MachShip.


  • Name -  a free text field which is used to identify the organisation. Can be set as the business unit or the despatch site.

  • Account Code - a free text field which can be generally set as the warehouse code. 
  • Parent Company - MachShip works on a permission tree structure where all companies branch off from the main MachShip trunk. Setting the parent company ensures the correct structure for all new companies created after and defines their level of permissions and visibility. In the majority of cases, this company will be the company assigned to your user.
  • Notification Forwarding  - are utilised in MachShip to notify users when certain actions need to be completed. These include, but are not limited to - booking a pickup, cancelling a consignment and errors when manifesting. By default, notifications are set to be sent to your company. Notification Forwarding will enable a user to forward these notifications to a parent company, for example, a head office, should there be a situation where these are managed higher up the tree. 


Inheritable Items - Company Items are saved shipping items which are able to be accessed when creating consignments. The flag for Inheritable Items allows an organization to create a series of saved company items against a parent company and for these items to be accessible or "inherited" by all of the children of that company. 

Inheritable Item Types - used to describe the item will be shipped. Should there be any item types created specifically for that company, this flag will give any child company access.

Inheritable Locations - Company Locations are saved pickup or delivery locations which are able to be accessed when creating consignments. The flag for inheritable locations allows an organization to create a series of saved company locations against a parent company and for these locations to be accessible or "inherited" by all children of that company.

Inheritable Receiver Accounts - the accounts which are used to create Receiver Pays consignments. This flag allows you to create a series of saved receiver accounts against a parent company and for these accounts to be accessible or "inherited" by children of that company.

Email Tracking Notifications - The Email Tracking Notifications setting allows an admin to configure when and how Advanced Shipping Notices's (ASN's) will be emailed out of the platform. This option will not allow the user to configure tracking but rather it can just be set to enabled.

The options are:

a. Always send tracking notification - Whenever there is an email entered in the delivery email text box when creating a consignment, MachShip will send out the tracking email. 

b. Never send tracking information - The tracking email will never be sent, even when there is an email in the delivery location email text box. 

c. Prompt on consignment creation - Whenever a consignment is created a radio icon will appear below the email text box where a user can set if they wish to send the tracking email or not.

Enable Email Notifications - This option will enable the system to send an email notification whenever a notification has been raised or triggered. 

Notification Email Address - free text field where you can assign the email address you want to send the notification to. Otherwise, the notification will be sent to the email set to the Email (used by the system) under the Contact Details section.


Phone - can initially be put as the site phone number.

Email (Used by System) - This should be the email address of the user who will need to be advised of any pickup bookings that are made via email. 

Email (Shown to Users) - indicates the account contact and should be set as

Address line 1, Address Line 2, Suburb - fill them out as the main address of the company ie. Head of the Suburb/Address.

The suburb field needs to match a suburb from the MachShip database. When you begin to type either a suburb or a postcode you will see that MachShip will present a list of the possible values. Select the one which is correct.


  • Public Display Name - This will be used if the name you have given to the company in MachShip is not the name which is used when advertising or presenting the company publicly. When this is populated, MachShip will replace all company names on the tracking page with the text in this box. 
  • Tracking Contact Us Company Name - If the company has an outside entity or separate company who manages customer inquiries, you can set that company here. 
  • Support Phone, Support Email, Support Web Address - All of the information which is contained in these text boxes will be shown in the footer of the tracking page. An example of this can be seen below. 

How these fields are displayed can also be controlled via the below dropdowns. 

The dropdowns are:

  • Inherit from Parent - This will take whatever setup there is against the parent account.
  • Always Show - Will always show what is contained in the text box.
  • Hide - Will never show what is contained in the text box.
  • Show Carrier Reference - This will be the internal identifier on the carrier end and will be used on any public tracking pages with the carrier.
  • Show Customer Reference 1 and Show Customer Reference 2. These will be the 2 reference fields against the consignment and could be populated with an order or purchase order number. 
  • Show MS Number - The MS number is MachShip's internal identifier and allows for a unique number for every quote, order, and consignment in the system.
  • Show Items - This will provide a list of the items shipped, the total kilos and cube.

As an example, if you have item information and the system reference set as show the tracking page, it will contain information like the below:

Once all required fields are configured, click Save Company.

How to Upload a Logo on the Company Page?

MachShip allows the uploading of a logo on the Companies page.

Note: The upload page will become available as soon as the initial company information is supplied and the company is saved.

Once you select the save button when creating the company, the screen will refresh and you will have the Upload Tracking Logo button appear under the Public & Tracking Settings section. 



To upload the logo select the Upload Tracking Logo button. This will prompt the Tracking Image Upload modal to appear.

Once added, click on the Upload button to proceed with the upload.

Note: The system only accepts .JPG and .PNG image type format for uploading the logo



Once successfully uploaded, click Save Company.

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