How to create a Company Item

How to create a Company Item

In order to save time when creating consignments in MachShip, users have the ability to create and store shipping item information in MachShip

How to navigate to the Create Item Page

  •  From the Create/Manage menu.


  • From the Navigation Bar. This is situated in the top right corner of any screen which relates to Company Items.

Alternatively, you can access the Create Item page from this link.

Note: Should your user not have the permission to access this page then you will be unable to successfully access this link.

Instructions on how to create a Saved Company Item

1. Item Name (Required)

The Item Name is a free text field which will describe the item. This will be one of the fields used when searching for saved company items when creating consignments.

2. Item Type (Required)

  • Needs to be one of the following
    • 20ft Container
    • 40ft Container
    • B-Double
    • Bag
    • Bundle
    • Carton
    • Case
    • Combines
    • Combined Load Size
    • Crate
    • Drum
    • Envelope
    • IBC
    • Pack
    • Pallet
    • Panel
    • Pipe
    • Rails
    • Roll
    • Satchel
    • Semi
    • Skid
    • Stillage
    • Timber - Loose
    • Timber - Pack
    • Total Volume
    • Tube
    • Volume

3. Length(cm), Width(cm), Height(cm)

The dimensions of the item. 

4. Weight(kg)

The weight of the item.

5. Very Frequent Item

In order to cut down on the time it takes to enter in consignment data, MachShip has the ability to set an item as Very Frequent. When an item is Very Frequent then it will appear as a drop-down item input field when creating a consignment. The field will appear as below:

The amount of Frequent Items is suggested to be kept to less than 20 as the larger it gets the less effective the dropdown becomes. Only 30 very frequent items will be shown at any one time though. 

The Very Frequent Item flag can be set by the field shown below:

6. Pallet Spaces

Pallet spaces is a non-required field which would appear if you were creating an item that was any of:

- Pallet
- Skid
- Crate
- Pack

This would be utilised when a user had Pallet Space rates. MachShip would provide back the pricing based on the number of spaces set:


Note that this is provided for the total line item so the below will be 5 Pallet Spaces for the 5 items not 5 Spaces per Item

7. SKU

The SKU is a non-required field which is another free text field to be used when searching for saved company items when creating consignments.

Once all the information is entered, select the Save Item button and the company item will be created. 

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