How to create a Carrier Reference Pool

How to create a Carrier Reference Pool

Reference pools are utilised by MachShip in order to maintain a count on connote, manifest and item numbers. The reference pool will ensure that each of those numbers is unique to what we have sent to the carrier previously.

There are 2 ways in which a Carrier Reference Pool can be generated in MachShip.

These are:

1. Via the Create Carrier Reference Page

How to navigate to the Create Carrier Reference Page

The Reference Pool can be accessed via the Admin, Other Options.


Then under Advanced select Carrier Reference Pools


Select either the Create Carrier Reference Pool or the Add Carrier Reference Pool button in the top right.


This will prompt the create Carrier Reference Pool screen and the user will need to provide:

Pool Name - It is suggested that the naming convention is <Carrier> <Pool Type (be it Item, Manifest or Connote> Ref Pool <Account Code>. This will ensure that the name is unique and easy to find when auditing.

Company - This will be the company for which the carrier account will apply. Please note that any reference pool created is inheritable. For example: if created against a parent company it will be accessible to the children. 

Carrier - This will be the carrier you wish to assign the reference pool. Once the first two characters are entered MachShip will provide a list to select from. 

Minimum Value -  Set the minimum value of the reference pool. In the majority of cases, this will be 0, but some carriers may provide a subset of a larger number reference pool to each of their accounts, therefore you should confirm what this minimum value should be. 

Maximum Value - This will be the highest number that the reference pool can be. This is a set value per carrier.

Next Available Reference - The next available number in the reference pool. This is a dynamic field and will show the next number MachShip will use when creating the consignments. 

Cyclical Flag -  If this flag is set to No then the maximum value will be a hard set maximum and the Pool will need to be reset when it is reached either through a new account or a new prefix value. If this is set to be Yes then when the maximum value is reached MachShip will revert back to the minimum value and the pool will begin again. 

Select Create Carrier Reference Pool.

2. Via the Carrier Account Page

Any of the integrated carriers in MachShip which utilize Carrier Reference Pools will have the following selectable button when setting the Carrier Specific Options section of the carrier account. 

Selecting this button will prompt the Create Carrier Reference Pool modal to appear. Due to the carrier account already having both the carrier and the company already set, you will find that this modal will have these fields set, and in the case of the carrier, locked down.

The user will need to provide:

Pool Name - It is suggested that the naming convention is <Carrier> <Pool Type (be it Item, Manifest or Connote> Ref Pool <Account Code>. This will ensure that the name is unique and easy to find when auditing.

Minimum Value -  Set the minimum value of the reference pool. In the majority of cases, this will be 0, but some carriers may provide a subset of a larger number reference pool to each of their accounts, therefore you should confirm what this minimum value should be. 

Maximum Value - This will be the highest number that the reference pool can be. This is a set value per carrier.

Next Available Reference - The next available number in the reference pool. This is a dynamic field and will show the next number MachShip will use when creating the consignments. 

Cyclical Flag -  If this flag is set to No then the maximum value will be a hard set maximum and the Pool will need to be reset when it is reached either through a new account or a new prefix value. If this is set to be Yes then when the maximum value is reached MachShip will revert back to the minimum value and the pool will begin again. 

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