How to create a Carrier Account with Startrack Express

How to create a Carrier Account with Startrack Express

When looking to set up a new account with StarTrack, the first thing you will need to do is to create a user for the Aus Post developer centre.

1. Obtaining a Shipping and Tracking API Key

  • You will need to go to this website and register

  • Once you have created an account, you will then login and select Register for a key.

  • After selecting Register for a key, you will then select Complete Registration.

  • A modal will then appear and will ask you to fill out below fields with your Contact details.

  • You will also need to select from below options and provide Startrack Account numbers, you can choose one or multiple options. 

  • After validating the details and accounts you have entered, below modal will appear. You will select “Yes”.

  • Select MachShip as the Platform Partner and tick the box that there is consent for the account to be used.

  • Finalise by selecting your State and click on Send.

Once done with the registration, StarTrack will send you an email containing the Shipping and Tracking API Username and Shipping and Tracking API Password.

2. Configure with Startrack the setup of the PostToURL POD webhook tracking

This will configure for MachShip to receive from Startrack POD and tracking information via webhook. To set this up you will need to undertake the below:

Please navigate through to the website below and raise a ticket:

This ticket should advise the Startrack team that you would like to set up the PostToURL tracking service. You will need to fill out the following:

  1. Please select "Parcels contract account holder" from the option
  2. Their StarTrack account number(s) – Please supply your Startrack Account Codes or Code
  3. Topic - Please select "Tracking events and POD solutions" from the option
  4. Enquiry - Please select "Set up a new tracking solution for the first time"
  5. Software - You can select "Other"
  6. In the Description Box, you need to enter the URL to which events will be posted. Events will be posted as XML payload – Please provide this URL is is the place that MachShip will receive the files from Startrack. Please also advise Startrack that MachShip will be using "only accepting files from StarTrack’s dedicated IP addresses" 
  7. Contact Details - enter in your details This will be your Name, Company, Phone Number

Once this has been submitted they should confirm that this has been set up within 48 hours

Once all the above is completed you can then set up the account.

3. Creating the Carrier Account

There are two StarTrack Integrations that you can choose from in Machship:

• StarTrack Digital Api Integration (StarTrack Sets Consignment Number) - This will have Startrack provide the consignment number back via the API.

• StarTrack Digital Api Integration (MachShip Sets Consignment Number) - This will utilise the API method of data transfer but MachShip will create the consignment number based on the prefix and reference pools that you have set.

I. StarTrack Digital Api Integration (StarTrack Sets Consignment Number)
If you are going to utilise this integration, you will need to select the StarTrack Digital Api Integration (StarTrack Sets Consignment Number) from the dropdown 

For this integration, Startrack will be setting the consignment number. As such there will be no fields for the Consignment Prefix and Connote Reference Pool.

Note: If you want to set or use the consignment prefix and the connote reference pool, we suggest that you use the StarTrack Digital Api Integration (MachShip Sets Consignment Number) instead.

After selecting the integration method, you will need to fill out below required fields:

8 Digit Account Code - The account code would have been provided to you when your account was set up.

Despatch Home Location - Set this to be the major despatch location for this account. Startrack will have created each despatch ID as linked to a sending location or suburb. Please enter in this suburb and select from the list provided.

For example:

Despatch Home Zone - Leave this blank.

Shipping and Tracking API Username and Shipping and Tracking API Password – This will be provided once you have signed up and registered at the Australia Post developer centre.

With this integration, you will have the option to have Pricing returned via the Startrack system. This is set from the Price via Shipping and Tracking API flag. 

If you want the price to return via the carrier system, you will need to set the flag to "YES"

 Please note that you still need to upload a ratecard even if you set to price via the Shipping and Tracking API. You will upload the ratecard in the below format. This will contain all the services that StarTrack has given you access.

CarrierRatecardServiceFrom ZoneTo ZoneReciprocalCubic ConversionBasicMinimumBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPrice

Note: If you have the below set to be “No” you will need to upload your ratecard in the MachShip Format:

II. StarTrack Digital Api Integration (MachShip Sets Consignment Number)
If you are going to utilise this integration, you will need to select the StarTrack Digital Api Integration (MachShip Sets Consignment Number) from the dropdown 

The specific options that need to be filled out for this integration is similar to the StarTrack Sets
Consignment Number, but with this integration, you will still set the Consignment Prefix and Consignment Reference Pool.



8 Digit Account Code - The account code would have been provided to you when your account was set up.

Despatch Home Location - Set this to be the major despatch location for this account. Startrack will have created each despatch ID as linked to a sending location or suburb. Please enter in this suburb and select from the list provided.

For example:

Despatch Home Zone - Leave this blank.

Shipping and Tracking API Username and Shipping and Tracking API Password – This will be provided once you have signed up and registered at the Australia Post developer centre.

Consignment Prefix - The consignment prefix will have been provided to you on the email sent above.

Reference Pools - Reference pools are utilised by MachShip in order to maintain a count on connote, manifest and item numbers. The reference pool will ensure that each of those numbers is unique to what we have sent to the carrier previously. More information can be obtained on reference pools here. This integration requires the creation of just 1 reference pool, for the Connote number.

To create the reference pool select the Create Carrier Reference Pool button at the bottom of the page. 

If you are creating a new account then the Reference Pool will be set to the following fields:

Pool Name - Set as Startrack Connote Pool <Account Code> 
Minimum Value - 1
Maximum Value - 9999999 (that is seven 9's)
Next Value -  1
Cyclical - No

It will appear as below:

Once created it will appear in the drop-down as below:

With this integration, you will also have the option to have Pricing returned via the Startrack system. This is set from the Price via Shipping and Tracking API flag. 

If you want the price to return via the carrier system, you will need to set the flag to "YES"


Please note that you still need to upload a ratecard even if you set to price via the Shipping and Tracking API. You will upload the ratecard in the below format. This will contain all the services that StarTrack has given you access.

CarrierRatecardServiceFrom ZoneTo ZoneReciprocalCubic ConversionBasicMinimumBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPrice

Note: If you have the below set to be “No” you will need to upload your ratecard in the MachShip Format:


Once the account has been set up and all of the rates have been added, you will need to run a test to ensure that upon go-live, everything will run successfully. To do this, create a consignment - please make Reference 1 and Reference 2 and the delivery special instructions THIS IS A TEST. Once this has been created please manifest the consignment to the carrier. If you experience any issues please contact

If you receive a successful manifest message from MachShip then please send an email to  and advise them that you are starting to despatch your Startrack account through MachShip and that you would like to receive verification on the test file and permission to start to trade. Please include the label pdf's for the manifest and connote.

Advise the support team of the connote number and request that they should cancel this to ensure that you are not charged. Please cc on this email so we can help if required. 

On confirmation from the support team that the set up is validated, you are free to begin to consign. 

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