How to Convert an International order into a Consignment

How to Convert an International order into a Consignment

To allow for partial automation of the consignment creation process, MachShip offers the Pending Consignment feature, which will enable a user to pass through Order Data or incomplete consignment data. Once this pre-consignment Data is in MachShip, users must finalise any missing data and convert these into consignments. 

Where to navigate to convert a Pending Consignment into a Consignment

Select Create/Manage and Pending Consignments.

The Pending Consignments Page 

The Pending Consignments Page contains a list of all of the available Pending Consignments and Unmanifested Consignments separated into 2 grids. 

The Pending Consignment grid will show a list of the created Pending Consignments and the provided data. 

This list can be filtered by date using the toggle:

Or the search bar:

The list of Unmanifested Consignments is provided so that users will be able to consolidate Pending Consignments together with the Unmanifested Consignments.

Converting a Pending Consignment into a Consignment

The methods by which you can convert a Pending Consignment into a Consignment are:

1. Convert one Pending Consignment into an Unmanifested Consignment.

2. Convert one Pending Consignment into an Unmanifested Consignment quoting carrier options.

3. Convert multiple Pending Consignments to an Unmanifested Consignment via Consolidation.

4. Consolidate a Pending Consignment onto an existing Unmanifested Consignment. 


To convert one Pending Consignment into an Unmanifested Consignment:

1. Click the Pending Consignment Number of the consignment you wish to convert.

This will prompt the Create Consignment modal to appear. 

2. Fill out any missing data in the Pickup or Delivery input section - noting you can only have one of the addresses set as International

3. Adjust or finalise any Item data which may not have been provided:


Add in the Customs information.

  • Customs Fields - add item Contents: In order to allow for a smooth transfer through customs, it is very important that you supply the customs fields in the item contents section - please note that you will only be able to proceed to a quote if you provide this information. To access Item Contents, select the below

    Selecting this will prompt the following:
    Details to supply will be

    Description -
     The description of the goods being imported / exported

    Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3, CL Marks and Numbers, Part Number -  
    These fields will all identify either the object or the invoice/order 

    Quantity - 
    Quantity of the physical goods being shipped - note this will be different to the item quantity above, if it was 5 t-shirts packed in a carton then the quantity is 5

    Harmonized Code -  
    The global customs identifier for the class of goods being shipped

    Purpose - 
    This must describe the reason for sending the goods. Needs to match up with a known classification reason i.e sale, gift, return etc. 

    Country of Manufacture - 
    Will identify where the product was manufactured. You will need to select this from the drop-down of allowable MachShip values. 

    Unit Dollar Value -  
    This is the commercial dollar value of the goods in AUD - you would put in the value of one of the items and MachShip will then multiply out for the total

    Add multiple by selecting the plus icon after filling the form out or add to the consignment by selecting Save

4. Adjust any references.

5. Ensure the Despatch Date is correct:

6. Select the Carrier.

There are 4 carrier selection options:

I. Don't specify the carrier.

If you don't have a carrier with which you wish to despatch the freight, MachShip can make the decision for you either with the cheapest or the fastest carrier option. 

II. Route Carrier Selection:
Selectable via the below:

The Route Carrier Selection option will quote all available freight options for you as you finalise the consignment. Pricing will be shown as a scrollable listing that is ordered based on your company's specified price ordering. 


Simply select your desired option and it will appear in the Selected Route option as can be seen below:


III. Specify the Carrier and use the Expanded Carrier Selection option.

Set the Specify Carrier tag to be Yes, then choose the carrier account and service. 


IIV. Specify the Carrier and use the Short Carrier Selection option

The short carrier selection option can allow you to select the carrier and service in 1 drop-down. You can order this as Carrier - Service or Service - Carrier

7. Create the Consignment. 

This can be completed by the Create button. Additional options are:

I. Create and Keep Details - Consignment will be created and the form will be refreshed with all fields populated.

II. Create and Keep Carrier Details - Consignment will be created and the form will be refreshed with the carrier details populated.

III. Create and Create Return - Consignment will be created and the form will be refreshed with all fields populated and the pickup and delivery reversed.

Once the consignment is created, it will move into the Unmanifested Consignments section. 


Convert Multiple Pending Consignments or Unmanifested Consignment via Consolidation.

To finalise two pending consignments, or orders, into the one consignment users need to:

1. Select the tick boxes on the left for the consignments which you wish to convert into a consignment. 

2. Select the button Consolidation Actions and select Consolidate Selected.

3. This will prompt the Consolidate modal. The consolidate modal will be useful for users who are trying to finalise a large number of pending consignments at once. The flags set what MachShip will join the pending consignments on. By default, these consignments are consolidated on from location and to location.

Once you have set your options select Consolidate.

4. Once you have selected consolidate, the Consolidation Consignments screen will appear.

This will list all the consignments which you are looking to consolidate - shown on the left:

To the right, you will see the information inputs section. Here you will be required to fill out any required fields that still need to be populated. You must also select a carrier or let MachShip know to select the cheapest or fastest route. 

5. Select Update and Consolidate

This will finalise the consignment and MachShip will refresh to the Unmanifested Consignments screen. The references will be consolidated and if different, will be shown as comma-delimited. 

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