Converting a saved Quote into a Consignment
When a Quote is created it will be stored in the View Quotes page with a set expiry date.
Note: The default quote expiry is 30 days.
When a customer agrees to the quoted price you can then create a Consignment. This can be completed in the following ways:
Creating the Consignment Screen
Once you have selected one of the above methods you will get to the Create Consignment screen. This will have all the details of the original Quote filled in.
If you used Saved Locations in the quote, most of the address information is already filled out. If necessary, you can change any location information on this page. By updating the location name, you are also able to select a location from your saved locations. Should you only have provided a sending and receiving suburb, then that will be all that will be filled out and you will be required to populate the missing information.
Note: The route will already be waiting for you at the bottom of the page. Select Create Consignment and the consignment will be created.
If you change the delivery method details or the items in any way from the quote, the original price will be lost, and a new price will need to be calculated by selecting Generate Routes.
Click Generate Routes