How to check what workflows are assigned to your Company

How to check what workflows are assigned to your Company

There is the potential that a workflow may have been assigned to your company by the MachShip team, your freight provider or someone else in your business. Below we will outline how you can validate which workflows have been assigned to your company.  This is completed through the Edit Company Page

How to navigate to the Edit Company Page

Select Admin and View Companies.

 Search for your company and then select the cog on the right and the Edit Company option. 


 How to View your Company Workflows

1. Scroll to the Company Information Table.

About three-quarters of the way down the page, you will see the Company Information Table. This table contains information relating to Contacts, Company Carrier Accounts, Invoice Wrapping, Custom Fields, Printer Configurations and Company Workflows. This grid will also provide access to the Cost (buy) rates.

2.  Select the Tab called Company Workflows.

By selecting this you will be provided with a grid of all of the previously assigned workflows (this will include both the invoice and the consignment import workflows).


The workflow should also be available and shown through the Import Consignments drop down or alternatively through the Import Carrier Invoice drop-down. 

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