How to change your password

How to change your password

If you need to change your Password in MachShip there are a couple of different ways in which this can be completed. These are listed below. 


1. Changing Your Password through the Change Password Link 


How to navigate to the Change Password page

Select the drop-down cog in the top right-hand corner of the page. From this drop-down select Change Password.

How to Change Your Password page

Once on the Change Password page, you will be required to provide MachShip with:


1. Old Password - This is a safety mechanism to ensure that the password cannot be changed by someone who does not have existing knowledge of the account.


2. New Password - This will need to be at least 8 characters in length and include at least 1 number and 1 letter. 


3. Confirm Password - As a sanity check to ensure that you have used the same characters for the new password. 


Select Change Password.

The system will then provide a green success bar that the password has been updated. 


2. Changing Your Password through the Edit User Page


If you are an Admin user you will have access to adjust usernames and passwords via the Edit User page. 

How to navigate to the Edit User page


Select Admin then View Users.

Using either the Company filter or the search bar, select the applicable user:


Select the drop-down cog on the right and Edit User.


How to Change your Password

Once on the Edit User page, you will be provided with the ability to edit any of the fields against a user, including the password. 


Change the Password text field and repeat this in the Confirm Password text field. 

Select Save User.

MachShip will confirm the update via the following green success bar:


3. Changing your Password through Forgotten Password Page

If you have forgotten your password, or see the below error message when you log in to MachShip, you may need to reset your password.

Things to do before requesting a password reset:

1. MachShip passwords are case sensitive, ensure that the caps lock is not on.

2. Check your records to ensure that the correct username and password is being used.

3. Ensure that you are accessing the live MachShip system. This can be accessed via or alternatively via the URL provided by your freight broker. 

Should you have checked all of the above scenarios and still find that MachShip is denying access, then you can request a password reset via the Forgot Password? link. 

This will prompt the login page to convert over to:

Provide your unique MachShip username and select Send Forgot Password Email.

The following successful message will be returned.

You will receive an email from MachShip titled Password Reset. Click the link Complete Reset Password Process.

To reset your password enter in a password and password confirmation and select Reset Password.

Should you have any issues with the above contact your Freight Broker or

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