How to change imported Carrier Invoice details

How to change imported Carrier Invoice details

When a carrier invoice is imported into MachShip, users are requested to set:

  • Invoice Number
  • Invoice Date
  • File Name

If for any reason the fields which are set when the invoice is imported are incorrect, then it is possible to edit these through the Edit Invoice feature. 

To do this:

1. Navigate through to View Carrier Invoices:

Select Finance, View Carrier Invoices

2. Search for the Invoice and select Edit Invoice

MachShip has provided a few ways to help you narrow down the search using the below filters:

  • Company - Will search for all invoices relating to this Company Name.
  • Carrier - Will search for all invoices relating to this Carrier.
  • General Search - Entering keywords, MachShip will filter through all invoices and return any invoices with relating words.

Once you have found the correct invoice, click on the Cog to expand your options. Select Edit Invoice

3. Edit any of the Invoice Number, Invoice File Name or Invoice Date fields

Once changed, select Save.

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