MachShip provides you with the option to manually change a tracking status. You are able to change them one by one or a many at a time.
How to navigate to Active Consignments
To navigate to this screen, from the top menu select Create/Manage, scroll down to the Consignments section and click Active Consignments.
From this screen, select the Consignment you would like to change the Status of. If there are a few in the list, you are able to refine the search by entering any details regarding the consignment in the search engine, as highlighted in the image below. You can also utilise any of the filters for Company, Carrier, Destination State or Date (both ETA and Despatch).
Once you have found the consignment you wish to update click on the drop-down cog to the right of the screen. Select Change Status.
A Change Consignment Status prompt will come up. In the drop-down list select what New Status you would like to make.
Once you have selected your New Status, this prompt will also give you the option to Set Custom Status Date. This is not mandatory but the option is there. If you don't set this time then MachShip will update the time to be now.
Note: A consignment's status should only be changed if it has already been updated with the carrier.
Click the Change Status button to save your new changes.
It will take you back to View All Consignments. Look at the Status Column to review your new changes.
Multiple Status Changes
If it is necessary, you are able to change multiple Statuses at the same time. However, please note that when you change Multiple Statuses they will ALL share the same Status Date and Time.
From the View All Consignments screen, you will be able to select as many consignments as you need. To select the consignments, click on the tick and that row will be highlighted, as seen in the image below. Once you have selected all of the consignments that you would like to change, click on Actions.
Actions will give you a few options, select Change Status Selected.
A Change Consignment Status prompt will show and will list all of the selected Consignments. Select from the drop-down list what status you would like to change them all to, and click on Change Status once completed.
This will take you back to the View All Consignments screen, where all the statuses have now been updated.