How to Bulk set Consignments as Closed, On Hold and Invoice Pre Authorised

How to Bulk set Consignments as Closed, On Hold and Invoice Pre Authorised

Below we will describe how a client can change and set the following consignment reconciliation statuses in bulk. 

Held for Reconciliation - This will be a consignment that has been flagged as requiring human input in order to reach a status of reconciled. 

Held for Invoicing -This will be a consignment that will have been flagged with requiring human input in order to be shown on the generate invoices page. 

 - This is a consignment that has been deemed to never be reconciled or invoiced within MachShip.

Externally Invoiced - This is a consignment that has been deemed as being invoiced by a system that is external to MachShip.

Invoice Pre-Authorised -  These are consignments that have been flagged as being pre-authorized to be invoiced before reaching a status of reconciled. This flag enables a user to easily filter these consignments when generating invoices.

How to Bulk update Consignments on the Generate Invoices Page

Once a user has navigated through to the Generate Invoices page in MachShip they can:

1.) Update Consignment Details for Selected consignments

To update consignment details for selected consignments first select the consignment(s) via the selection on the left-hand side

Select Actions and select Edit Selected Consignment Details:

This will prompt the Edit Consignment Details modal to appear as below:

By default, the selection methods will be set to apply No Change to any of the flags on the consignments selected.

To change this simply select the relevant drop-down and set it to either be true which means consignment has been set in that status or false, which means that consignment has not been set in that status.

Any that you wish to not change the status for, leave with the update of No Change

Once all flags have been updated, you will be required to provide a reason for the change in the text box at the bottom of the modal:

This reason will be applied to the consignment as a note indicating why the flag was changed. 

Finally, to apply the update select Apply Changes.

MachShip will indicate that the changes have been applied via the success message below:

2.) Update Consignment Details for All Consignments

To update consignment details for all filtered in consignments first adjust any of the Company, Carrier, Consignment Status, Date Range, or Reconciliation Status in order to filter in the consignments you wish to update. 

Once complete, select Actions and select Edit All Consignment Details:

Note: This will allow updating of a maximum of 10,000 consignments

This will prompt the Edit Consignment Details modal to appear as below:

By default, the selection methods will be set to apply No Change to any of the flags on the consignments selected.

To change this simply select the relevant drop-down and set it to either be true which means consignment has been set in that status or false, which means that consignment has not been set in that status.

Any that you wish to not change the status for, leave with the update of No Change

Once all flags have been updated, you will be required to provide a reason for the change in the text box at the bottom of the modal:

This reason will be applied to the consignment as a note indicating why the flag was changed. 

Finally, to apply the update select Apply Changes.

MachShip will indicate that the changes have been applied via the success message below:

How to Bulk update Consignments on the View Invoice Consignments Page

1.) Update Consignment Details for Selected consignments:

To update consignment details for selected consignments first select the consignment(s) via the selection on the left-hand side

Select Actions and select Edit Selected Consignment Details:

This will prompt the Edit Consignment Details modal to appear as below:

By default, the selection methods will be set to apply No Change to any of the flags on the consignments selected.

To change this simply select the relevant drop-down and set it to either be true which means consignment has been set in that status or false, which means that consignment has not been set in that status.

Any that you wish to not change the status for, leave with the update of No Change

Once all flags have been updated, you will be required to provide a reason for the change in the text box at the bottom of the modal:

This reason will be applied to the consignment as a note indicating why the flag was changed. 

Finally, to apply the update select Apply Changes.

MachShip will indicate that the changes have been applied via the success message below:

2.) Update Consignment Details for All Consignments

To update consignment details for all filtered consignments first adjust the Search Bar or the Show Reconciled Consignment flag,  in order to filter in the consignments you wish to update. 

Once complete, select Actions and select Edit All Consignment Details:

Note: This will allow updating of a maximum of 10,000 consignments

This will prompt the Edit Consignment Details modal to appear as below:

By default, the selection methods will be set to apply No Change to any of the flags on the consignments selected.

To change this simply select the relevant drop-down and set it to either be true which means consignment has been set in that status or false, which means that consignment has not been set in that status.

Any that you wish to not change the status for, leave with the update of No Change

Once all flags have been updated, you will be required to provide a reason for the change in the text box at the bottom of the modal:

This reason will be applied to the consignment as a note indicating why the flag was changed. 

Finally, to apply the update select Apply Changes.

MachShip will indicate that the changes have been applied via the success message below:

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