How to add a Permanent or Daily Pick-up

How to add a Permanent or Daily Pick-up

Please Note: The set up below will not create or organise a daily pickup collection with your carrier. This will need to be organised with your account manager. The set up below will prevent MachShip from potentially booking multiple or duplicate pickups with the carriers in which you have a pre-arranged collection.

Permanent Pickups

To create a permanent pickup do the following:

1. Create the company location.

2. Select the Add Permanent Pickup button.

3. This will bring up the Create Link modal.

4. Select the carrier from the drop down. This will list all carriers which are assigned to that company.

5. Select the link type.

There will be 2 options they are:

  • Link to Carrier
    The link to carrier option will block the pickup booking for this carrier for all services. 
  • Link to Services
    This will provide a list of services applicable to the selected carrier. Select each service for which a permanent pickup has been booked.

  • Select the Create Link button. The pickup will then appear as below:

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