What is Email Grid:

The Email Grid in MachShip contains all the emails being sent from MachShip. It can include but is not limited to manifest, pickups, consignments, finance invoices, and reports. Users can also check the email status from this email grid.

How to navigate to the Email Page:

To navigate to the email page,  select Admin and Other Options.

Under the Advanced Options, select Emails

Note: If you do not have access as Administrator or Organisation User, you will not be able to access the Admin Tab.

Once you have selected Emails. This will lead you the Manage Emails page. MachShip has provided a few ways to help you narrow down the search using the following filters:

• Company - Will search for all emails relating to this Company Name.
• Search bar – By entering keywords, MachShip will filter through all emails and return emails with relating words.
• Date Range – The default is 30 days. However, this can be changed and you can select the date you want to return.
• Filter by Status - You can filter the emails by selecting one status or multiple statuses. The statuses are Queued, Error, All Delivered, Some Failed, All failed, Sending, and Some Delivered.

The emails will then be adjusted and will only show the filtered emails. The grid will provide you with the following information of the emails:

• Email ID – this is the database ID of the email
• Entity ID – this will depend on the entity type. For example, if it’s a consignment, it will give you the consignment ID.
• Entity Type – the email type that was sent, it can be a consignment, booking request, or finance invoices email.
• Queued – this will show the date and time the email was queued to be sent
• Company – this is the company that it was sent for
• To – this is where the email is going to or the recipient/s of the email
• Subject – the subject or name of the email
• Sent – this is the date and time the email was sent
• Att – this will show if there are any attachments in the emails.
• Status – This will show the status of the email. Some of the statuses are Queued, Error, All Delivered, Some Failed, etc.

MachShip also provides you with the option to -
Resend Email - resend the email type upon selection on the cog button and confirmation to resend email

Download Email Body / Download Attachments - download MachShip email draft and attachment sent. You will see the file is downloaded on the lower left side of your screen and confirmation once successful.

Email Tracking Status - shows the tracking email status.

If you select the option Email Tracking Status, it will prompt the email status modal to appear. The modal will provide you with the recipients, email status, status date, and IP if available. This will allow you to check which recipient failed to receive the email.

Should you see that an email has an error message or has been dropped please contact support@machship.com and we can advise why. 

To do any of the above-mentioned options, you will just need to click on the cog and select one of the options.