Creating Benign or Existing Consignments Via The API

Creating Benign or Existing Consignments Via The API

Benign or existing consignments are consignments created in Machship purely for the purpose of tracking and reporting - they cannot be manifested and no data is sent to the carriers.

Endpoint: POST
Full schema for this endpoint is available here in the Consignments section:

Example Payloads
Majority of the fields on this payload are discussed in detail on our createConsignment article available here.

  "companyId": 0, //business unit in Machship - only needed if you have several

  "items": [
      "itemType": "Carton",
      "name": "test",
      "quantity": 1,
      "standardItem": {
        "height": 0,
        "weight": 0,
        "length": 0,
        "width": 0
  "fromName": "My Warehouse",
  "fromContact": "Bob Jones",
  "fromPhone": "123123123",
  "fromEmail": "",
  "fromAddressLine1": "testAddressLine1",
  "fromAddressLine2": "testAddressLine2",
  "fromLocation": {
    "suburb": "melbourne",
    "postcode": "3000"
  "toName": "Customers House",
  "toContact": "Stacy Smith",
  "toPhone": "123123123",
  "toEmail": "",
  "toAddressLine1": "testAddressLine1",
  "toAddressLine2": "testAddressLine2",
  "toLocation": {
    "suburb": "Sydney",
    "postcode": "2000"
  "specialInstructions": "leave at front door"

  //tracking information
  "statusId": 1, //list below this payload

  "carrierConsignmentId": "ABC123",
  "completedDate": "2024-03-25T06:56:56.418Z", //only required if the consignment has been delivered
  "despatchDateTimeUtc": "2024-03-25T06:56:56.418Z",
  "despatchDateTimeLocal": "2024-03-25T06:56:56.418Z", //Local OR Utc is fine

  //pricing information
  "totalSellPrice": 0,
  "totalCostPrice": 0,
  "totalBaseSellPrice": 0,
  "totalBaseCostPrice": 0,
  "totalTaxSellPrice": 0,
  "totalTaxCostPrice": 0,
  "costFuelLevyPrice": 0,
  "sellFuelLevyPrice": 0,
  "consignmentRouteCostPrice": 0,
  "consignmentRouteSellPrice": 0,

  //only needed for international consignments
  "isInternational": true,
  "internationalFromCity": "string",
  "internationalFromPostcode": "string",
  "internationalFromProvince": "string",
  "fromCountryCode": "string",
  "internationalToCity": "string",
  "internationalToPostcode": "string",
  "internationalToProvince": "string",
  "toCountryCode": "string",

  //List of status values:
  2 = Unmanifested, 3 = Manifested, 4 = Booked, 5 = InTransit, 6 = Delayed, 7 = Complete, 8 = Lost, 9 = Damaged, 10 = Cancelled, 13 = OnForDelivery, 14 = AddedToMachship, 15 = PickedUp, 16 = ScannedIntoDepot, 17 = DeliveryAttempted, 18 = SortedForDelivery, 19 = PartialDelivery, 20 = DeliveryTimeScheduled, 21 = Deleted, 22 = AtDelivery, 23 = PartialOnForDelivery, 24 = AtPickup, 25 = Manifesting, 26 = TrackingExpired, 27 = FailedPickup, 28 = FailedDelivery, 29 = AwaitingCollection, 30 = CompleteReturnedToSender
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