Common errors when uploading a Rate Card

Common errors when uploading a Rate Card

Below you will find a list of common errors you may experience when importing a rate card csv into MachShip and how you can resolve them.  

1. Carrier does not exist or you do not have access

If you see an error such as the below when importing:

There are potentially 2 reasons as to why this particular error will appear.

I. You have incorrectly used the carrier abbreviation. 

The first column in the rate card csv import file needs to contain the abbreviation of the carrier you are importing the rates against. To check what this abbreviation navigate to Admin - Carriers.

Search for the carrier required. 

The abbreviation will be shown in the second column of the grid.

Note that the csv upload check will validate the whole string so please ensure that in the csv there are no trailing spaces. 

II. You have not been assigned the carrier. 


2. Carrier Account does not exist or you do not have access

If you see an error such as the below when importing:

This error will appear when you have not used the carrier account abbreviation in the second column of the import.

To find the abbreviation go to Admin and Carrier Accounts.

Use the Company or Carrier filters along with the Search bar in order to find the created Carrier Account.

The Account Code will be shown in the second column of the grid.

If the import template account code matches the carrier account please contact

3. Service does not exist or you do not have access

To audit the carrier service abbreviation go to Admin - Carriers.

You will be provided with a list of all your accessible carriers. By typing in the search bar, the name of the required carrier will be filtered in. 

Select the drop-down cog of the applicable carrier and select view services.

You will be provided with a list of all the services which have been integrated into MachShip. You can use the search bar to filter to your desired service option. 

The Service Abbreviation will be shown in the 2nd column of the grid. 

This should be matched on your import template. 

4. From Zone does not exist or To Zone does not exist or you do not have access

This will indicate that the zone you have used has not been created in MachShip or alternatively you have used the zone incorrectly. How to validate your zones is outlined in the following link.

5. All breaks in a set must be 'touching'. This means that each breaks From Value must be exactly 1 number higher than the previous breaks To Value.

This error will indicate that the break in question does not have a gap of exactly 1 between the previous Break To and the next Break From.

For example:

CarrierAccountServiceFrom ZoneTo ZoneReciprocalCubic ConversionBasicMinimumBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPrice
STRACKSTAR_ACMEEXPMELBENN1257.269.988WEIGHT 03000.2299WEIGHT 301210000.1837WEIGHT 50110000.35

6. The spreadsheet includes duplicate lane rates. Check the following combination: (Remember that this combination may conflict with a reciprocal lane rate)

Each import spreadsheet must have one line per Carrier, Account, Service, From Zone, To Zone combination (or lane). Please note that MachShip will check the rates which are reciprocal as well and ensure that there are not multiple rates for the same lane. 

7. The Minimum/Basic charge must be a dollar amount. Set to 0 if you want to remove the Minimum/Basic charge


If you have set the column or cell as blank

or alternatively you have placed a dollar sign at the front of the basic or minimum charge:

This will cause the error above. Please format everything as a number and set any non-applicable prices as 0. 

8. Contains incomplete breaks. Each break must consist of exactly 5 cells 

Each price break will need to contain at least 5 columns which are:

Break Type, Item Type, Break From, Break To, Price. 

If any of these are missing then the above error will appear. 

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